29 August 2005

..bowling, mentor, Man Utd and wedding.

I won! I won! … hehehe. Memang tak rugi aku pegi tournament bowling hari ni. Actually tournament bowling ni untuk persatuan ‘old boys’ kolej tempat aku belajar dulu. The Sultan Abdul Hamid Old Collegian Association Bowling Tournament 2005. Sambutan dia tak la sehebat tahun lepas but kira OK la..
Aku actually dapat 2nd place untuk male category and 1st place untuk team category. Before u said ‘big deal! Second place..’, let me tell you this. Aku ni jarang-jarang sangat dapat hadiah. Especially lucky draw. Memang aku tak pernah dapat seumur hidup aku! So bowling is actually the only sport yang kira OK la bagi aku.. Tak terror sangat. Baling pun straight aja. Tapi the actual purpose of winning the game is to make the pins fall and that’s what I did. Kira tak malu la kalau nak main tu.. So winning this prize was quite a big thing for me. Last year aku dapat toaster that I gave to my girlfriend. This year aku dapat some prizes and RM100 cash. Not bad huh..? Aku nak tunggu girlfriend aku balik dari outstation baru nak bukak hadiah. I don’t know why, I just wanted her to open the prizes. Nak show off kot.. hehe. But she think it’s sweet.. J.
My best friend Shah also got 3rd place in male category. I beat him by 4 pinfall. Hehhehe. Sorry geng… better luck next time you loser..!!
Man U menang lagi..!! Woohoo..! 4 out of 4 ain’t bad at all. Aku punya Fantasy Football team dapat point banyak gak mlm ni sebab Rooney score 1 and assist 1. And aku letak dia captain so ganda 2 la point dia.. Chelsea who..?
Tadi sebelum game aku tengok final Mentor. My predictions was correct. Pija was the champion. I think she deserved it. My only complaint is that aku rasa dia kena ada image consultant la.. Sebab aku rasa kebanyakan outfit dia macam dari almari tahun 1983..! Tak kena dengan style dia langsung.. But her vocal was magnificent and she rocked the house when she sang ‘Pawana’ with Amy Search. It’s Pawana! That is one of the best Malay rock song ever man.. Tapi aku tensen gila tengok Nora. Aku rasa dia tu terlalu emotional. Maybe a little over confident. And dari dulu aku tengok dia ni susah sangat nak terima komen orang.. Bila Ramli M.S komen aku boleh tengok muka dia berubah dramatically. I like it when my girlfriend SMS’s me and said that she like it when Izham Omar says’ .. in my book Pija -1 Nabil -0.’ Hahaha… Imagine how Nora felt. That’s funny…
And one more interesting thing. The shotgun wedding of TV3’s Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim which is before this is virtually unknown and The Sultan of Brunei. My girlfriend told me about it last week and I still couldn’t remember Azrinaz’s face. Hari ni aku beli paper Harian Metro and I was like ‘…ooooo! Dia ni ker..!’. What interest me is that nama dia dah top kat Yahoo Search List. People yang used to the Internet knows that it takes millions to top the Yahoo Search List. And Azrinaz supposedly is the first Malaysian to do that. Apparently, the whole world wants to know sapa la pompuan yang kawin dengan one of the wealthiest man in the world ni. So my question is, is this something that we can be proud of..? Topping the list of the most popular search engine in the world..? I know Harian Metro is treating the story like it is something that Malaysian should be proud of. For me, in a way yes. Tapi kalau kita dikenali di mata dunia sebab something that we really achieved kan bagus. Mana la tahu nanti satu dunia akan search pasal filem Malaysia ke, pelakon Malaysia ke or something better macam the story about Malaysia itself. It can be achieved I know. Takkan rakyat Malaysia nak kena kahwin sultan kaya baru orang luar nak bukak mata.. Hmmph?
But then again, that’s just me.:)

27 August 2005

..hari sabtu? keja..?

‘Hari Sabtu mana ada orang kerja..!’ , budak umah aku cakap sebelum aku kuar umah tadi. Yess it’s Saturday and aku kat ofis ni. Macam biasa aku OT. Tensen plak aku dengar ayat yang dilemparkan kat aku tadi. Tapi nak wat camana.. tanggungjawab kan? Lagipun itu semua duit.. Nasib baik hari ni kejap aja kerja aku dah siap.. ada masa sket aku curi time nak update blog. I’m getting used to this. Rasa syok plak menulis.. hehe.

I’m taking this opportunity to say congratulations to Mr Talented, Afdlin Shauki sebab menang 3 awards at Anugerah Skrin.. which I missed becaused of my overtime. L. Anyway he deserved it. Check out Afdlin personal blog here. Tapi aku pelik apsal Buli tak menang Filem Terbaik. Sebab bagi aku Buli dah menang 3 top awards, so I think ultimately the movie is the best of the rest. Tah la.. Congrats also to Nasir Bilal Khan yang aku dah jangka akan menang dengan watak Abang Dol dalam Cinta Si Penggali Kubur. He did an impressive job on that telemovie. Congratulations..!!

Besok aku ada bowling tournament kat Federal Bowl.. Wish me luck..!

..letih aaaa.

Damn tired. It’s already 1.00 am and aku baru aja balik dari ofis. Overtime. Walaupun aku kerja gomen, (badan berkanun actually..) tapi aku mmg selalu stay ofis buat overtime. Cari duit lebih sket.. tapi kadang2 tu tak larat jugak nak kerja, especially kalau dah selalu sangat OT. Aku pernah satu, dua minggu tak balik umah sebab OT. Mmg aa bleh lebih dari gaji claim OT aku tapi badan letih siot.. It’s the only way utk aku cari duit lebih, so it’s ok i guess.

Balik tadi aku singgah kedai beli nasi. Aku interested tengok a group of pakcik yang semua berserban, berkopiah, berketayap tgh layan cerita ’Matrix Reloaded’. Tak tahu kenapa dah dekat kul 1 pagi tapi pakcik2 ni tak balik umah lagi. Maybe kat umah diaorang takde Astro kot. Tapi interesting tgk diaorang dengan penuh perasaan layan cerita Matrix Reloaded. Ternganga mulut diaorang tengok scene Trinity ngan Keymaker tengah naik moto. Pastu bila 2 trak besar tu berlanggar ada sorang pakcik tu siap tepuk tangan lagi..! Aku pun terpikir.. kalau movie tu mmg bagus and interesting, mmg semua orang boleh appreciate. Terpikir jugak aku bila movie Malaysia nak sampai tahap mat saleh plak tepuk tangan sambil ternganga tengok. I hope one day that will become a reality..

But then again, that’s just me. :)

26 August 2005

...got a dirty little secret?

..No that's not my dirty little secret. I'm glad to tell you that I'm still sane and enjoying life to the fullest. The image above was taken from this really cool website call postsecret.blogspot.com. People from all over the world are invited to anonymously contribute their deepest and darkest secrets to this website by creating a 4-by-6-inch postcards out of any mailable material.The secrets can be anything as long as it's your darkest secret and you had never told anyone about it.

The image that I put up above sebenarnya secret yang boleh dikatakan agak 'tame' berbanding dengan secrets yang ada dalam website ni. Trust me, anda akan terperanjat gila babas bila tengok human's darkest and deepest secrets kat website ni. Poskad- poskad yang dikirim ke website ni adalah authentic. Apa yang menarik jugak poskad yang dikirim ni actually very artistic in it's own twisted way.

..u have to check out this website. It makes u think very hard - no matter how bad and fark up u think your life is, there is always someone in this world who are more faaarrkkeedd up than u.! Be thankful, because there is always a purpose for everything that happen in your life. Your actions in this world can reflect your future. Act wisely.

Bersyukur di atas kehidupan ini..

23 August 2005

My Tribute To Hitch

Semalam aku ada training Macromedia Dreamweaver kat JNA, Jalan Ipoh. Bosan gila aku.. Bukan sebab apa, tapi course tu beginner level. Semua benda yang dia ajar tu mmg aku dah tahu.. Nasib baik ada internet line kat situ. Blog hopping la aku, thank you very much. Member sebelah aku siap bukak YM lagi. Kononnya kitaorang dah terror la.. hehe. Lagipun kitaorang pegi course tu pun sbb nak cukupkan syarat kursus. Biasalah ’hamba kerajaan’.. orang gomen la katakan. Balik dari kursus dalam kul 9 mlm camtu aku terus tido. Sedar-sedar it’s already 2am. Dah terjaga tu susah plak nak tido. Aku pun turun bawah bawah bukak Astro. And I manage to catch this very entertaining documentary called ”Hitch: Alfred The Autuer” kat Ch. 14.(..apsal citer best2 selalu kuar kul 3-4 pagi huh?). No, it’s not about the movie Hitch with Will Smith. Tapi pasal salah seorang pengarah filem terhebat dunia : Alfred Hitchcock. Here’s what I found out about him and what impact he has on not just the movie industry but the world itself..

  • Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born in 13th August 1899.
  • Dia actually belajar buat filem dengan orang German. Dia pernah kerja sebagai Asst. Director kat UFA Studio kat Munich. Diaorang tu pengasas ‘German Expressionist Cinema', so teknik filming diaorang mmg radical at that time.
  • Filem pertama dia yang succesful is ‘The Lodger”, a silent movie he made in 1926. Terpegun aku tengok video clips yang dia tunjuk dari filem ni. Hitchcock time tu dah start buat satu filem yang multi shot. He shoots from top, from bottom, zoom, pan and this marvellous shot atas staircase ke bawah. And this is 1926! It’s a silent film!
  • Believe it or not, Alfred Hitchcock paling takut dengan polis! When he was 5 years old, his father -- to punish the boy for some infraction -- sent young Alfred down to the father's friend, the chief of police, with a note asking that the boy be put in a jail cell for five minutes to teach him a lesson. Gila ayah dia ni..! Five minutes can be an eternity. This was long before the days of identified child abuse, dan Hitchcock sendiri told the story only to explain his lifelong fear of the police.
  • Yang paling aku suka pasal dia punya Theory of Suspense. His maxim. He believes in superiority of suspense over shock. Aku rasa this theory reverberates into every aspect of picture-making and is today the single least heeded and most needed. Dia explain dalam documentary tu macam ni: "We come to our old analogy of the bomb. You and I sit here talking. We're having a very innocuous conversation about nothing. Boring. Doesn't mean a thing. Suddenly, boom! A bomb goes off and the audience is shocked -- for 15 seconds. Now you change it. Play the same scene, show that a bomb has been placed there, establish that it's going to go off at 1 P.M. -- it's now a quarter of one, ten of one -- show a clock on the wall, back to the same scene. Now our conversation becomes very vital, by its sheer nonsense. Look under the table! You fool! Now the audience is working for 10 minutes, instead of being surprised for 15 seconds." Aku rasa Hitchcock clearly has something to do dengan jeritan kita bila tengok citer suspense kat panggung wayang.
  • Satu lagi filming technique dia yang aku find interesting is that dalam filem ‘The Rope’ dia buat a ’10 minute take’ technique. Satu can film zaman tu boleh tahan selama 10 minit. So Hitchcock shoot every scene sampai la film habis. Tapi lepas tu dia kena sound dengan studio sbb teknik ni merugikan. But he still is the pioneer of this technique.
  • Hitchcock tak pernah preview filem dia dekat audience, something that is very rare in the USA. And he never saw his own movie with an audience.
  • Kalau siapa yang pernah tengok filem Alfred Hitchcock memang kita tahu yang dia suka buat cameo dalam film dia. His first cameo was in ‘The Lodger’. So that makes him the first director to do a cameo in his own movie. Aziz M. Osman pun selalu buat cameo dalam filem dia.. dapat inspiration from Hitchcock kot?
  • Alfred Hitchcock memang terkenal dengan genre horror, suspense, thriller, violence, dark, sinister. Tapi percaya tak dia pernah buat filem muzikal?? “Waltz From Vienna” (1936) was his first and only musical. Thank god..!
  • McGuffin. If you’re wondering what the hell is McGuffin (bunyi macam burger kat McDonalds je), let me ask you this. Pernah tengok Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction? Ingat tak suitcase yang si John Travolta and Ving Rhames bawak dalam filem tu? Ala.. suitcase yang bila bukak aja bercahaya tue. Ha! Tu la McGuffin. A McGuffin is something that the characters worry about but that the audience does not. It really doesn't matter. Benda tu sebenarnya takde apa2 kaitan pun dengan storyline filem tu. It looks like the most important thing in the movie tapi it is actually the least most important thing in the movie. Hitchcock believes that every suspense movie needs a McGuffin. Tarantino pun pernah mengaku dalam interview yang dia pakai teori McGuffin Hitchcock dalam Pulp Fiction.
  • Kalau kita tengok filem Hitchcock, dia punya ‘feel’ lain macam sikit kan? Ini sebab dia punya directing belief memang lain daripada pengarah Hollywood yang ada time tu. For example, almost all Hollywood directors arrange a scene as if it were theater. The actors move through the decor, they speak, and the camera films them in entirety (the master shot). Then, the director shoots various closer shots, and finally close-ups of the different actors. Each line of dialogue is thus "covered" up to 16 to 20 times, under a variety of angles. Later in the cutting room, the editor will spend three or four months assembling all this material while striving to give it rhythm, but without ultimately removing its theatrical side. This form of cinema-recording Hitchcock gelar "photographing talking heads," something yang dia tak pernah buat. From the very beginning of his career, Hitchcock understood that if you read a newspaper with your eyes and your head, you read a novel with your eyes and your heart pounding-- and that a film should be watched the way a novel is read. Hitchcock’s technique consists of focusing on the character through whose eyes things will be seen ( and felt by us, the public). This character will constantly be filmed from the front, and in close-up, so that we will identify ourselves with him. The camera will precede him in each of his movements while keeping his size constant within the image, and when he discovers something troubling, the camera will delay for a few seconds more (even too much more) on his face and look in order to heighten our curiosity. When he will be afraid, we will share his fear, and when he will be relieved, we will feel the same . . . but not before the end of the film. Aku rasa ini lagi satu teknik yang Hitchcock pioneered.

So apa point aku cerita pasal Alfred Hitchcock ni? Pengarah kat Malaysia ni tak bagus ke? Memang la salah satu reason dia sebab aku ni memang minat dokumentari pasal filem. Aku memang minat pasal the history of film-making, pasal great directors dengan cerita-cerita menarik dia, pasal sejarah. Tapi the main point is, Alfred Hitchcock ni buat filem ikut kepala dia. Dia tak pernah ikut cara orang lain mengarah. Dia tak pernah nak ikut citarasa audience dia.(ada jugak film dia yang tak laku..). Yang menarik pasal Hitchcock ni is that he project to the screen what he had exactly in his mind. Dia dah envision cerita yang dia nak mengarah tu dalam kepala dia. Walaupun at first orang tak paham apa yang dia buat, tapi bila orang tengok filem yang dia buat baru orang perasan yang he knows how to tell a good story. I believe that pengarah kat Malaysia sekarang pun patut jadikan prinsip Hitchcock ni sebagai contoh. Biar la apa pun orang nak cakap pasal filem kita, as long as we know in our mind that we have a great story to tell and we believe in that, just carry on. Sampai bila kita nak ikut apa yang orang lain nak? Why not gives the audience something that we WANT them to see.. Come on, tell us a story.

But then again, that’s just me. :)

21 August 2005

..layak ke?

Geram pulak aku tengok Melodi kat Tv3 tadi. Tak kisahlah kalau orang nak marah aku tapi aku nak tulis jugak ketidakpuasan hati aku. After all this is MY blog. Aku tak tahu kenapa but everytime I see Mansor Puteh giving a comment aku rasa mcm nak marah. Kat Melodi tadi ada cerita pasal Festival Filem Asia Pasifik and isu pasal penarikan Yasmin Ahmad’s ‘Sepet’ from that festival. Ada la beberapa orang yang cerdik pandai, ‘cendiakawan’ kita buat satu forum perbincangan yang bertajuk ‘Layakkah Sepet?’. First of all aku rasa tajuk forum tu pun dah a bit ‘less teach’ (..translate in malay please). What irritates me is that bila one of the panel tu (tah apa nama dia tapi professor la..) ditanya kenapa buat forum untuk membantai filem Yasmin Ahmad dia mati-mati nak deny yang forum tu diwujudkan mmg for that sole purpose. Aduh! Tajuk forum tu pun dah mmg a dead giveaway. At least kalau nak buat forum bantai filem orang pun mengaku la. And then Mansor Puteh came on and talk about betapa tak layaknya filem Sepet ni menang anugerah FFM hari tu. Aku pun terpikir sendiri layak ke Mansor Puteh untuk bagi komen pasal filem orang. Aku teringin sangat nak tengok filem si Mansor Puteh ni. Hebat sangat ke filem dia tu? Kalau aku ni jutawan mmg aku kasi sejuta dua kat dia suruh dia mengarah. Pas tu aku nak panggil orang yang memang layak mengkritik untuk kritik filem dia tengok apa reaksi dia plak. Aku tengok semua filem yang keluar kat Malaysia ni semuanya tak bagus di mata Mansor Puteh. Semuanya kena bantai dengan dia. Come on la… Prove yourself to us sebelum nak mengkritik filem orang sesuka hati.

But even worse is minggu sudah punya Melodi bila Raja Azmi bagi statement yang actually is saying that Sepet tak layak menang Filem Terbaik FFM. Aku tergelak besar bila aku tengok interview tu. First of all, who is Raja Azmi..?? Anda semua ingat ke dengan filem Black Widow dengan Cinta 200 Ela..? Layakkah dia untuk even datang ke Festival Filem Malaysia tu..?? Aku rasa Raja Azmi ni mungkin ingat setelah dia buat 2 filem so dia boleh dikatakan ‘pakar’ dalam menilai filem di Malaysia nie. Her exact word was ‘kalau kita asyik keluarkan sampah, macam mana industri filem kita nak maju..?’. Could she be talking about her own movie…?? All that I can say is she’s a joke. Her opinion doesn’t matter at all. No one should give a rat ass to what she have to say..

Aku ni bukannya kroni Yasmin Ahmad. Aku tengok Sepet. Aku rasa Sepet tak perfect. Tak flawless. Can be improved. Tapi bagi aku kualiti filem tu tinggi. Aku rasa senang kalau nak buat filem macam ’Tangkai Jering’ ke, ’Jutawan Fakir’ ke.. takyah bagi skrip pun. Suruh aja Saiful Apek improv kat depan kamera tu orang sure akan gelak terbahak-bahak. Tapi aku salute dengan keberanian Yasmin Ahmad untuk buat satu filem yang mmg datang dari hati dia. A movie that she believes in. Satu filem yang lari daripada ’landasan’ filem Malaysia yang dah lama kena sogok filem lawak bodoh dan filem cinta yang kaku. Tapi biasalah, setiap pembaharuan itu mesti ada orang yang menentang. Aku juga rasa yang Yasmin Ahmad dah buat keputusan yg sangat bijak untuk menarik diri dari Festival Filem Asia Pasifik. Bayangkanlah, dia menang FFM orang hentam dia cukup-cukup. And then the same people yang hentam dia nak hantar filem dia bertanding ke luar negara. Lepas tu bila dia tarik diri ramai pulak yang marah. Kata dia tak hormat la, takut la.. It’s HER movie for god sake..! Suka hati dia la dia nak buat apa pun.. I admire Yasmin’s bravery. And I admire the way she handle these situations. Sometimes silence is the best weapon. Can’t wait for her next masterpiece.

Layakkah aku untuk memberi komen seperti di atas..??

But then again, that’s just me. :)

..a good start.

Glory glory Man United..!!

Man United 1 Aston Villa 0.

Puas hati aku tengok Van Nistelrooy score tadi. 2 wins and 2 clean sheets, it looks like a good start for the new season. Yes I am a Red Devil. Aku ni bukan picisan atau what they call penyokong lalang. Aku dah sokong Man Utd sejak aku tingkatan 1 lagi. One of the reason aku sokong MU disebabkan oleh Bryan Robson, idola aku masa tu. Aku ni tak la pandai sangat main bola, tapi disebabkan minat yang melampaui batas terhadap bolasepak especially EPL, aku boleh tahu nama kebanyakan players bolasepak, kelab mana yang diaorang main, asal dari negara mana, umur berapa, position apa diaorang main dan kelab mana yang teringin nak beli diaorang. Ditambah pulak my other ‘job’ as a football manager dalam game ‘Championship Manager 5’ dan jugak team fantasy football aku yang boleh tahan, aku ni sebenarnya gila bola beb. Aku selalu mimpi kalau la aku dapat jumpa dengan ‘abang-abang’ aku macam Bryan Robson, Roy Keane, George Best, Bobby Charlton, Denis Law and my favourite Man Utd player ever KING Eric Cantona. Fuhh..! Best tuuu…!

So anyone nak join league fantasy football aku..? Ada berani..? Kalau interested cuba create team kat sini. And maybe aku bleh create satu league baru. Setakat ni aku bertanding dengan budak2 ofis aku and few of my closest friend. Team aku takde la power sangat, sbb rules aku satu aja : NO Arsenal and Liverpool players in my team. So kalau Henry ke, Gerrard ke score 4 gol dalam every game, mmg kalah teruk la aku..! Arsenal ngan Liverpool kan rivals. Mana boleh aku pick players diaorang. It’s almost against the law, man.! Cuma Chelsea aja yang aku boleh tahan lagi. Not yet anyway.. Maybe kalau Mourinho menang lagi tahun ni, and dia bikin panas lagi dengan Sir Alex, aku akan isytihar sebagai rival. Tapi aku tengok sekarang ni Mourinho makin poyo kan..?

But then again, that’s just me… :)

20 August 2005

G&G stands for Good & Great..!

Today me and my significant other/trusted lifelong patner/girlfriend went to see ‘Gol & Gincu’ at GSC Cheras Leisure Mall. FYI, my girlfriend and I boleh la dikategorikan sebagai ‘kaki wayang’ or ‘movie buff’. Boleh dikatakan every month duit kitaorang habis tengok wayang aja. Dah minat nak buat camana kan.. Aku actually interested nak tengok G&G nie bila aku dengar dia dah release. Tapi aku tak berapa nak sure sbb aku ada ‘bad history’ sket ngan filem Melayu ni. (..tertipu). Tapi setelah aku baca banyak positive review from the newspaper, magazine, blog (..afdlin shauki really convinced me!!) and from the people who actually went to see G&G, aku pun decide la pegi tengok.

Not Bad.! Not bad at all. It is very refreshing to see this type of movie. I think it is that feel good movie that everyone is waiting to see. Bernard Chauly did an excellent job. The only thing that bothers me is that the plot ada sket persamaan dengan citer ‘Legally Blonde’ especially (SPOILER ALERT!) the scene where Putri and Eddy tengah dinner and suddenly Eddy decided to tell Putri that he wanted to break up and Putri thought Eddy wanted to talk about their engagement. (Remember that scene with Reese Witherspoon..?). But I guess a good story has to be told twice for people to appreciate it. I think the movie moves in a good pace, it doesn’t drag. The acting was all around quite good (Sazzy, Rafidah and that girl who played ‘J’ AKA Juita was quite impressive), the script was well written and the soundtrack is even better.

But most importantly bila aku keluar panggung, aku tak rasa macam pengarah filem tu dah insult aku punya intelligence. Aku rasa macam aku dah tengok satu filem yang menarik, simple and worth every RM22 (twin seats la..) of my money. That’s what important. So kudos to Bernard Chauly and his team. Although it’s not perfect but it is certainly better than filem pengarah/pensyarah tu yang dah buat 19 filem tapi takde satu pun yang boleh aku terima. By the way, don’t u think that he deserve some kind of world record for the most number of times a bad movie has been made from the same director within a short period of times.. I mean come on, 19 movies..?? Dia ingat buat roti canai ke..?? Somebody call Guiness World Record people quick! At least there’s something to be proud of him.

But then again, that’s just me… :)

16 August 2005

..me? writing a blog?

Well, the time has finally come… After registering in blogspot for almost 2 years now, I finally decided to write something for everyone to read. Finally I had the courage to express my thought publicly. Dulu aku selalu pikir orang yang tulis blog ni mmg berani. Berani untuk open themselves up to the whole world. Macam kita tulis personal diary tapi semua orang boleh baca.. Sometimes aku sendiri jadi malu bila baca blog orang yang bagi too much detail for everyone to know. But I admit , aku ni mmg suka sangat baca blog. Kekadang terserempak dengan blog somebody with the coolest lifestyle. So aku pun imagine yang kalaulah aku nie cool macam dia tue (jangan harap la..). Or maybe jumpa blog somebody yang their life is so depressing. So aku pun bersyukur la life aku tak macam diaorang tue. Lama-lama aku pun terpikir, blog nie sebenarnya tempat untuk meluahkan perasaan. Tak semestinya kita kena tulis hari-hari or setiap benda yang kita buat, setiap makanan yang kita makan etc. Tapi blog ni is a place where u express yourself. It’s an escapism. So that’s why I decided to write. Kadang2 aku nak orang tahu opinion aku pasal filem nie, pasal album terbaru tu, pasal komen dia ni, pasal isu tu. I want my voice to be heard. Plus I have always have this dream of becoming a writer and this is the closest to writing that I will ever get.

Tak kisah la kalau takde orang pun yang nak masuk baca blog aku nie.. (well, maybe my girlfriend.. luv u bebeh!). But now I have a place to shout.. A place where only one opinion matters and that is mine. So sit back and relax. Take a listen to what I have to say… Coz’ these are my thoughts. The thoughts that had always been attenuated. Now it is time to amplify my attenuated thoughts. And it goes a little sumthin’ like this………..