23 October 2008

WEB : Watchmen New Trailer & Poster

The anticipation keeps building up..

Last night on Spike TV Awards 2008, Zack Snyder, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Malin Ackerman & the super-duper stunning Carla Gugino premiered the official new trailer to worldwide audience featuring tons of new footage not featured on the last trailer that I posted here.

Say what you want about Snyder (slo-mo cuts, dizzying 360 panning, wide-angle CGI shots, etc..), but that guy sure knows how to cut a freakin' awesome trailer.

Watch the clip below, and for you MCR fans out there, u might notice the guy at the beginning of the clip. BTW, MCR is also confirmed to close the movie with a Bob Dylan's cover (*yaay for Zacko & Sha*).

And the fun doesn't stop there.. Yahoo Movies introduced a fantastic new teaser poster which re-creates a famous moment from the opening scene of the film and is briefly shown in the final shot of the trailer above.

If you notice, the poster reveals the movie will be R-Rated for "graphic violence, sexuality, nudity and language". Glad to know that Snyder doesn't resort to cutting this movie into a G or PG in order to make more money. Hoping that the nudity refers to Gugino.. :).

Awesome stuff.


Anonymous said...


brb, dying from too much awesome-ness.

Zack said...

Saham MCR aku dah jatuh Edd. Dah kaput. Mcm Freddie Mac dan Franny Mae, whatever the frak that means.

Nazim Masnawi said...

"Say what you want about Snyder (slo-mo cuts, dizzying 360 panning, wide-angle CGI shots, etc..),"

Last time kau talked about Watchmen in your blog, I believe somebody whined that the film doesn't look exactly like the graphic novel. This I don't get.

My biggest risau psal Watchmen has been that ia akan jadi a live action reading of the comic book as opposed menjadi satu entiti dia sendiri. Walau macam manapun, footage terbaru ni semua dan trailer menunjukkan that this probably won't be the case. Dan aku betul-betul gembira. Aku suka Snyder as a director (he's one of the best action director out there yang sedang mencari voice dia) dan aku interested in seeing what the artist Synder makes dari karya yang Alan Moore dan Dave Gibbons cipta.

Kalau gagal besok sekali pun, at least it won't be due to a lack of love and effort. And as for the rest of you bitching fanboys, korang still ada the graphic novel untuk beronani to. So what gives, motherfuckers?

Edd Vedder said...

My biggest risau psal Watchmen has been that ia akan jadi a live action reading of the comic book as opposed menjadi satu entiti dia sendiri..

- i understand your point. Dan aku setuju dgn harapan kau supaya filem ni menjadi entiti dia sendiri. Come to think of it, mmg susah untuk buat live action reading of this novel. Tapi aku pasti, Snyder still akan ambik the essence of the novel storytelling (flashbacks etc) utk bercerita.

I really hate it when these so-called Watchmen fanatics say that they feel that a Watchmen movie should never be made. I mean c'mon..! Really? It's always a fanboy fantasy to watch a live action adaptation of their favourite novel/comic. Unless you're Alan Moore, you are lying if you say you're not interested.. I never could understand them.

Kalau difikirkan, Snyder do has some tough task. He know he got to please the fans and be true to the novel and at the same time make an audience friendly film that appeal to the new crowd. So far so good..

Nazim Masnawi said...

"Come to think of it, mmg susah untuk buat live action reading of this novel."

Yeah, but these whinny fanboys want exactly that. Expectation should be challenged, man, not met. Aku dah cakap benda ni berapa ratus kali dah. Look at Sin City; yeah, a great literal adaptation, tapi lepas tengoknya, apa yang kau dapat selain dari apa yang kau dah pun dapat lepas baca graphic novel(s) dia?

"I really hate it when these so-called Watchmen fanatics say that they feel that a Watchmen movie should never be made."

Agreed. Persoalan yang lebih penting bukan terletak pada patut dibikin terus ke tak, tapi bila ia patut dibikin. 10 years ago, aku percaya mungkin filem Watchmen tak berapa relevan untuk dibuat. But now, after 3000 comic book superhero films got made since then, I'd say this is the right time. The graphic novel Watchmen is a great metafiction of comic book superheroes. Masa zaman 80s', pembaca komik somehow dah cukup sajak dengan konsep “saving the day” punya heroes. Dan Watchmen keluar untuk berikan semacam pendekatan pasca moden, and totally ran with it (i.e. hero kalah, hero yang mempersoal moralnya, hero yang memberi impak kepada sejarah sebenar). Dan sekarang ni, audiens filem pulak yang dah cukup sajak dengan konsep klise tu. (That's why The Dark Knight worked with the penonton so well. It's the pendekatan lain yang dia bawak.) So bila lagi masa yang sesuai untuk bring on Watchmen to the big screen?

As for the naysayers yang keep saying that Snyder “doesn't get” Watchmen, I say fuck them. Tengok set dia yang prestine dan unreal, tengok kostum Veidt yang siap ada nipple – this is totally a metaphor on superhero films yang kita dah tengok dari dulu sampai sekarang. No doubt, aku percaya ramai orang baca Watchmen (and like it), tanpa aku sangsi sama ada kebanyakan daripada diorang ni betul-betul faham ke tak nilai estetika cerita tu.