24 January 2008

FILM : Why So Serious, Mr. Ledger?

Why so serious that u have to go and kill yourself??

Another talented actor ruined by the evil forces of drugs. The dismaying sense of loss and waste at his death comes not only because he was so young, but also because his talent was large and as yet largely unmapped.

One thing's for sure, watching 'Dark Knight' will probably have the same effect on me as 'The Crow'. There's something chilling about an actor's last performance especially when they are playing a tormented soul. Ironically, both Ledger and Brandon Lee had scary makeup on.. We'll see.

R.I.P Heath

1 comment:

Nazim Masnawi said...

"There's something chilling about an actor's last performance especially when they are playing a tormented soul."

Kau mesti terkincit masa 1st time dgr suara Orson Welles sbg Unicron dlm Transformers the Movie, kan? Kan? Kan? Kan? Kan? Kan?