One night on a very popular reality tv show...
"..Jangan hisap ganja. Jangan hisap dadah. Amalkan hidup sihat... (audience gasp in shock)."
Another night on the same reality tv show...
"..kita dapat saksikan pelbagai jenis persembahan malam ini. Ada yang berpakaian seperti nigger, bukan awak tapi rambut awak la, haha.. (audience laughing hysterically)."
Guess which statement is wrong, rude, inappropriate and needed a written and live telecast apology..?
Nigger is a term used to refer to black people. When used by non-blacks, it is considered extremely derogatory. The word traditionally has been associated with an often casual contempt, a racist assumption of black inherent inferiority, even of bestiality, making it extremely pejorative.
I'm not trying to cause a stir, defend or attack anybody. Just merely making a point how ignorant and nescient some people could be.
"..Jangan hisap ganja. Jangan hisap dadah. Amalkan hidup sihat... (audience gasp in shock)."
Another night on the same reality tv show...
"..kita dapat saksikan pelbagai jenis persembahan malam ini. Ada yang berpakaian seperti nigger, bukan awak tapi rambut awak la, haha.. (audience laughing hysterically)."
Guess which statement is wrong, rude, inappropriate and needed a written and live telecast apology..?
Nigger is a term used to refer to black people. When used by non-blacks, it is considered extremely derogatory. The word traditionally has been associated with an often casual contempt, a racist assumption of black inherent inferiority, even of bestiality, making it extremely pejorative.
I'm not trying to cause a stir, defend or attack anybody. Just merely making a point how ignorant and nescient some people could be.
My Gat, I surely missed that part, man. Whatta hell? Dahlah sebut nigger, the later part is even more offensive, man: "Bukan awak tapi rambut awak la." It's like, it's not appropriate utk disamakan dgn Black. Like it's a penghinaan.
Reader's Digest should've done the poll based solely on this reality TV, man.
Oh, yeah! Don't forget that M. Rajoli's "apam manis" remark either.
who blew the word "nigger", man? is it aznil?
tapi di US, ada pula golongan2 muda kulit hitam sendiri guna perkataan 'nigger' dalam budaya hip hop mereka, seakan permain2kan nama tu..dan isu ini telah membuat beberapa cendiakawan kulit hitam dan penyokongnya membuat protes terhadap budaya baru ini.
It's something like "Melayu malas" la, Fadz. Kita boleh ckp, but no way in hell bangsa lain diberi hak untuk buat statement rupa gitu.
it's the host.
fadz, nazim..
Aku tgk Oprah hari tu masa cast Crash dtg studio, ada heated discussion pasal the word 'nigger' dan 'nigga'.Interesting discussion bila Oprah berbalah dengan Don Cheadle dan Ludacris.
Hip-hop culture iktiraf perkataan 'nigga' sebagai reference kepada 'brother'. Tupac Shakur pernah kata nigga adalah akronim kepada Never Ignorant, Getting Goals Accomplished. Tapi perkataan 'nigger' still dianggap sebagai satu penghinaan.
And you wonder why I don't subscribe to THAT particular station...(apart from the fact that it didn't have Prison Break la)
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