Takziah diucapkan kepada keluarga Perdana Menteri kita atas kematian Datin Seri Endon Mahmood. Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang solehah. Sama-sama kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah..
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I had the chance of meeting this extraordinary women while I was on my roadshow. Although it was brief but it was mesmerizing because not everyone have the chance to get up close and personal with our First Lady. She had lost her battle with cancer although she was a true fighter. She was fighting until the end of her life..
Tuhan lebih sayangkan beliau...
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Tuhan lebih sayangkan beliau...
alamak, what a chance is a lifetime kan? bile tu ye? ni sume buat kita terfikir to cherish every moment that we have cuz we never know that moment may be our last..
pagi tadi aku baca paper nst,
"She is my number one supporter. Nobody can do what she can do. She will call me daily, even when she is in the US for treatment, just to ask about what I wear and what I eat." - Abdullah on Endon.
tersentuh hati aku ni bile baca. every little things, every words count when you are so passionately in love. harap2nye i could do the same..
woops..sori.."chance in a lifetime"..patutnye..aku silap eja, teruja sgt nak komen.:-)btw edd, ko keje mana ha? pegi roadshow sume ni??
thanks nad..
aku sedih gak bila aku tengok news. Aku dapat rasa yg Pak Lah is very lonely and devastated. Tapi at the same time dia tak boleh nak tunjuk yg dia lemah kepada public sbb dia adalah the leader of the country. Susah kan.. Aku leh nampak yg diaorang ni mmg loving and Pak Lah is a very supportive husband. Dah takdir..
BTW, aku keja ngan government agency yg ada kena mengena ngan students. The roadshow is for the savings scheme yang baru di introduce oleh my agency. The picture was taken in Felda Gedangsa while we was promoting the savings scheme.
Agak2 ko tahu tak kat mana aku keja? One more clue, the saving scheme was launch in August 2004 by the Prime Minister.. :)
ntah la..yayasan felda kot? :-)
hehe.. not even close.
heheh...ntah la. ko tak nak ckp pun takpe. xde hal. aku cuma ingatkan ko keje cam adik aku, asyik travel je. dia install software utk koperasi satu mesia.
offtopic: yey, akhirnya jumpa gak ngan blog bdk ni.
hmm.. takziah buat pak lah. sehari slps arwah meninggal dlm paper kuar gambar2 kenangan diorg. nmpk sgt mesra dan rapatnya diorg. bila sorg tiada, sure rasa sunyi sgt.. sedang org putus cinta pun bengong bertahun lamanya, org dah kawen bertahun apatah lagi..
allah lebih sayangkan arwah.. kita yg hidup tak tentu bila masanya akan di jemput.
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